Dream Big or Go Home

I know I said I was leaving Sri Lanka in my last post, but SURPRISE!  I’m still here.  LOL.  My visa expires today so that means I am sitting here at the airport as we speak.  Ahhhh…it is all very bittersweet.  It’s so hard to leave places that you have grown accustomed to.  I’ve been on the beaches of the south coast for 3 weeks now, and man, it’s always so hard to leave.  I look forward to the next adventure, of course, but saying goodbye, no matter where you are, never gets easier.  

At the same time, I am ready to go.  Sometimes you just know when it’s time.  It’s weird how you just start to feel it.  But that doesn’t mean I’m not a little sad too…This place gave me all the feels.  Happy, sad, scared, excited, frustrated, joyful, awe-inspired, loving, enlightened, and more.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Travel is SO powerful.  The whole point of this blog is to help people get over their fears of traveling alone, or traveling at all, to places unknown.  It can be scary, yes, but it is so much more rewarding than anything else.  And the things you learn!  I think that is the best part.  I am learning something new everyday.  I feel like a broken record sometimes, but I just can’t say it enough – traveling will open your heart and your mind to so many things you never thought were possible: How to appreciate new and foreign cultures, the importance of being kind, how to relax, how to be with yourself (I can’t express the importance of this!), how to fully appreciate this beautiful world, and more. The list goes on and on…

I leave Sri Lanka with a full heart and I feel so much gratitude for the experiences that I have had and the people that I have met.  I am off to India for the second time; this time heading to the North, to live in an ashram for three and half weeks and get my yoga teacher training certificate.  I can’t even begin to imagine the new adventures that I will have and the new people that I will meet.  And that, right there, is the reason I continue to travel.  I can’t imagine my life any other way now.

All of that said, who is ready to come visit me?  Who wants to learn more about solo travel?  Who wants to learn how to let go and get out there?  Who wants to feel their heart soar?  Who wants to try something new and get out of those daily doldrums?  There is a way.  And I can help…

More coming on that in the very near future…But in the meantime, let your dreams guide you.  Listen to your gut, always.  Maybe reading this is your sign.  Your sign to let go and take a chance and see what else your life can be like. You will never know unless you try.  I know there are so many obstacles in our everyday life that seem insurmountable and your mind will keep telling you that you can’t, but I’m telling you, YOU CAN.  And I want to help you believe that.  That is what a travel coach does, by the way.  Helps you find a way to believe that you can find healing, comfort, and solace away from your everyday life.  You don’t have to do what I am doing and keep traveling forever.  There is healing to be found just by walking out the door for a little while.  I recommend making it as long as you can, of course, but I know there are challenges to that.  Let’s chat about how we can maximize your experience and make it something that will send you home with a new sense of being and a new appreciation for this beautiful, short, sweet life that we have.

Open your eyes, dream big, and look for the light. It is all right in front of you if you are just willing to step into it.   Call me. Message me. Let’s talk.  Let’s make your dreams a reality.  

#wanderingtowardthelightforever. ✨☀️✨

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