2023 Wrap Up

Where to begin?  

To be honest, I can’t believe that this year has even happened.  What could have been the worst year of my life has turned into the best year that I have ever had.  It is overwhelming to think about, to say the least…I just teared up and had to pause as I let it all wash over me…

If you would have told me one year ago that I would be living in Southeast Asia pursuing my dream life, I would have laughed in your face.  But here I am, one year later, writing this post from Manila in the Philippines. 

One year.  One day.  One event. 

It’s crazy how your whole life can change on a dime.  And how if you let the Universe in, and let go just a little bit, how you can change the entire trajectory of your life in such a short amount of time……

2023 was a whirlwind.  It was an adventure, it was an education, and it was life-changing.  

Here are a few of the highlights….

10 Countries Visited:

  1. Thailand (3 separate times)
  2. Cambodia
  3. Vietnam
  4. Indonesia (2x.  Bali for a month, and the Gili Islands and Lombok for another month)
  5. Singapore
  6. Malaysia
  7. Laos
  8. South Korea
  9. Taiwan
  10.  The Philippines

Plus a 2-month visit back home in America with stops in Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Mexico, and New York City.  

Just re-reading this list blows my mind.

Countless New Friends Made:

I haven’t been keeping track of the numbers, but I have met so many new people this year that I now consider to be great friends, soulmates, true travel companions, and amazing human beings.  Travelers are a special breed.  We truly understand one another, we have the same values and passions, and we have a zest for life that is lost on many others.  It is inspiring and enriching and makes me want more, even on the days when I think that more can’t be possible.  They restore my faith in humanity.  It is so easy to get caught up in the rat race, and to start to resent those around you who may have more, or just seem like they have more.  Or to just see all the violence.  And all the greed.  And all the hate.  I don’t see that out here.  I’m sure it is around me, but all I see is love.  And it is so refreshing.  There is just So. Much. Love. 

Between all the politics, the school shootings, the social divide regarding Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ rights and equality, the wars, and more, I was getting depressed and disheartened back at home.  I have been reminded out here that love conquers all.  Not money, and certainly not things. Most of the communities that I find myself in out here are quite poor, and yet somehow everyone is SO happy.  People are always singing and dancing and laughing.  Really – it is incredible to see. We need more of that in our lives.

More Experiences:

This year, I’ve learned how to ride a motorbike, I’ve summited the second highest volcano in Indonesia, I started my own business, I have gotten 4 (yes, 4) tattoos……

I motorbiked across Northern Vietnam, I joined a Buddhist meditation retreat in Thailand, I took a 3-night/4-day boat expedition from El Nido to Coron in the Philippines, I took yoga classes taught in Mandarin……

I repelled down waterfalls, jumped off countless cliffs, bicycled through rice paddies, did a yoga retreat in Bali, took the slow boat to Laos, rode in a hot air balloon, sailed the Philippines Sea, attempted to get certified in scuba diving (and failed, but that’s a whole other story), ate and drank alone more times than I can count (and enjoyed it!), celebrated my birthday, Christmas, and New Years Eve in a foreign country and alone (but not really alone) for the first time ever……

I took my first cruise, saw 500 hot air balloons launch all at once in New Mexico, and I snorkeled, canoed, and kayaked my way through some of the most beautiful scenery that I have ever seen! 

What a ride it has been!

Less Things:

I sold all of my stuff this year.  And I mean everything.

I sold my car in April.  I sold my bicycle, my snowshoes, my wedding dress, and my viola.  I haven’t had a home since I moved out of my ex-husband’s house last December.  When I went home this summer, I gave away or sold all of my housewares, clothing, books, and all the things.  What I have now is on my back and it is wild how that is truly all that I need.  I did a post a while back entitled “Less Is More,” and it is crazy how true that really is.

When I was back home visiting friends and family in August and September, many people asked me what it was about Southeast Asia that I loved so much.  At first, I had a hard time answering this question.  Of course, I loved the weather, the food, the beaches, and all the people, but it was more than that……

I finally figured out that what I really like is how simple life is here.  In America, there is so much pressure to achieve, to succeed, and to be the best.  To fight, fight, and then fight some more to get to where you believe you will be the happiest according to societal rules and norms.  Here – you just live.  Life moves slower and is sweeter because of it.  And you appreciate everything more.  You stop for the sunsets, you savor the cuisine, and you admire the beauty of nature without rushing past it.  Life just feels easier and lighter.  And isn’t that the way it should be? 

As I reflect, I have to ask myself, “How in the world did I pull this off?  How can it be true?”  Honestly, I think it is just by believing.  Believing in myself that I could make it happen, and that it wasn’t impossible.  I never intended for this to happen, and I’m sure if I told someone last January that I was going to visit 10 countries in Southeast Asia and pop home for a 2-month visit and travel a bit across America too, they would have said I was crazy.  Well maybe I am.  But if that is the case, then I say embrace your inner crazy.  It is so much more fun and fulfilling than that other voice inside your head that tells you you can’t and that you shouldn’t.  Don’t listen to that voice.  It is wrong.  I’d like to go back in time and figure out where it was that we decided we were going to give this inner voice so much power.  When did this voice step inside and begin to shape our lives with fear?  High school?  College graduation?  Perhaps it was as early as grammar school when we were just beginning to flex our tiny, little brains?  Either way, I want to confront this evil voice and wipe it away for everyone. 

I have a friend back home who was recently pondering making a huge life change by quitting her job and traveling across the country to pursue a new career path.  She asked me, “What does it actually feel like when you make such a big leap and completely re-invent your life?”  She answered her own question by saying, “In my head, it feels like a freedom you never knew could exist.”  Heather – You hit the nail on the head.  That is exactly what it feels like; and it is the best feeling EVER.

The greatest joy that I have gotten from my journey this year is the inspiration that it has garnered for those who have been following me.  I have had multiple people reach out and thank me for inspiring them to quit their job, move across the country, leave their unhappy marriage, take that vacation that they have been putting off, reunite with old friends (which I have done myself!), and more.  It has filled me with such happiness and gratitude to know that I am making a difference, no matter how small.  As I said, I didn’t come out here with this intention, and I had no idea that this is what I needed, but helping people to reach their highest potential and let go of their own fears is what is actually bringing me the greatest joy of all.  What a surprise and what a gift! 

I feel like I’ve come a long way from that sad face pictured above in December of 2022, and I can’t wait to see what else the Universe has in store for me in 2024!

Happy New Year everyone!  The world is your oyster.  Get after it!☺️

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