Trust Your Gut.

So I have been in the Gili Islands in Indonesia for 3 weeks now…There are 3 main islands here that people visit:  Gili T – the party island; Gili Meno – the quiet island; and Gili Air – a combination of both.  I decided to spend a week in each one.  This is definitely one of the best decisions that I have made since I have been out here.  Tears just flooded my eyes….l am such a mess when I write these things…I swear I am not an overly emotional person, but I am just SO HAPPY to be here.  I feel so lucky that I get to experience this.  But it’s not luck.  It is my intuition that brought me here.  And I have FINALLY decided to listen to it.  

Ever since I was a little girl, my Mom told me to listen to my gut.  Out of all the advice that she has ever given me, this is the one that she has repeated…over and over again…and still does.  I think she meant this as a way to avoid trouble or danger.  If something doesn’t feel right or safe, listen to your gut and it is always right.  That is correct.  It always is.  But why wasn’t I listening to my gut in other areas of my life?  Apparently I perceived this as something only applied to safety.  Like if you are walking in a dark alley and it doesn’t feel right – Turn around.  Do not proceed.  But what if you are walking into a new job and it doesn’t feel right…why didn’t I listen and turn around then?  Or when I met someone and I knew that it wasn’t the right fit and I proceeded forward anyway?  WHY?

I have been asking myself that a lot lately as I have been out here working on myself; taking some breathwork classes, and most recently, some interesting yoga and meditation workshops.  I just did a New Moon Circle where we met as a group and chanted and journaled and sent our intentions for the next moon cycle out into the Universe.  There was a lot of talk about listening to your inner voice…and being honest about what you truly desire.  And manifesting those desires by listening to them and acknowledging them.  There was certainly no talk about ignoring them. 

After having these experiences, I took a look back and recognized so many points in my past where I straight up heard my inner voice, and actually said to myself, “No, that is wrong. I am going to proceed with what I am doing here because it makes more sense.”  Guess what?  Fuck no!  It did not make more sense!  Everytime I did that, I was fine for a while; but ultimately, I was never truly happy.  And thankfully, most of those situations in my life have long since ended.  And they ended for a reason….Because they were never supposed to happen in the first place!  I know we learn from our mistakes and we have to make them, but there have been some points along the way, where I remember saying to myself, “I should not be doing this…”…or… “This doesn’t feel right…” , and I wish I would have listened to my inner voice.  My intuition.  My third eye.  Whatever you want to call it.  Again, it would have saved me so much time, pain, and heartbreak.

So, I guess what I’m trying to say here is…Embrace your inner voice!  It is NEVER wrong!  I promise you.  NEVER.  My intuition told me to come out here.  My intuition told me to stay here.  My intuition told me to start this blog.  My intuition is slowly teaching me how I am going to make this work.  My intuition speaks to me everyday now, and I am wide awake to it.  I will not make the same mistakes twice.  You just have to be open to it.  Somehow, society and the norms of the world that we live in have overshadowed our deepest inner spirit and made us believe that we desire things in society that we actually do not (children, marriage, that high-paying job, the perfect, big house in the perfect neighborhood).  Disclaimer here – if you want these things (and these are just examples, by the way), more power to you!  Go for it!  But if you don’t, THAT’S OKAY TOO.  It’s okay to ignore society, and listen to your gut.  I know it seems hard, and that it also seems less culturally acceptable in our society, but fuck society!  Listen to your heart.  I am slowly learning out here that life doesn’t have to be hard.  In fact, it should be easy.  The more you let things go, the more they will come to you.  I still have such a long way to go, but I am changing my mindset and I challenge you to do the same.  It’s a whole new world out there when you really let the light in….(Cue the happy tears…again.)

Just pictures of me being really happy in the Gili Islands….

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